What We Offer
For the Consumer
For the Professional
Need an Registered Dietitian In My Community
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Connect black dieititans to other dieititians​
Black Dietitians Matter (BDM): Represent, Pay it Forward and Support!
College students and RD's wear BDM proudly as they pursue their academic work or careers in Foods and Nutrition. A percentage of sales support local minority dietitians. Shop Now!
What Can or Should I Eat
Wellness Coach/Nutrition Coach
Individual and group education via Zoom
Nutrition Education
Meal Planning for Weight loss
Meal Planning for Diabetes
Dietitian Directory
Find dietitians from across the country
Connect black dieititans to other dieititians​
Professional Training and Engagement
Speaker Bureau
Food Desert Community Health Initiatives
Closing the Gaps in Health and Improving Social Determinates of Health in Nutrition
Launch a Teaching Kitchen in Your Community
Cultural humility and Inclusion Training
Nutrition Counseling and Education
Nutrition Ed Materials for diverse audiences
Teaching Kitchens and Cooking Demonstration Collaboration
Recipe Development
Recipe Standardization
Recipe Menu Analysis
Nutrition Fact Labeling
Food Photography and layout
Meal Pattern Component
Taste Panel Analytics

Joy G.
I continue to be simply amazed at the programming and compassion they have for the community and the growth of black dietitians. This is truly an example of paying it forward.
Black Dietitians Matter is a passion for Roniece to inspire and grow the next generation of dietitians. Her desire to teach and show them the way is truly awesome!
J. Westbrook
I couldn't have navigated my career path without listening to her team. It's nice to see that someone takes the time to give back, listen and support black dietitians.